Because the world is full of heartless sharks, sadly I have to explain that you, my readers, are reading and/or using any of the information they glean from my blog at your own risk
Terms of use. This is where I tell you, the reader, that you are reading my blog of your own free will and that you are taking the information provided at your own risk.
Copyright policy. This is where I explain that, unless otherwise noted, I, the author, am the legal copyright holder of the material on my blog and it may not be used, reprinted, or published without my (the author’s) written consent.
Hold harmless. This is where I explain that the information I provide is for entertainment purposes only. This is also where I have to tell you that neither I (the author) nor the information on this blog is, or can supplant advice from your doctor, psychologist, lawyer, physical trainer, pastor/priest, financial planner, nutritionist, neighbor, mother, father, sister, brother, dog, that little voice in your head, or anyone else I haven’t mentioned. Again, because the world is full of heartless sharks, I have to explain, once again, that you, my readers, are reading and/or using any of the information they glean from my blog at your own risk. From time to time, the information on this blog may change. The format may change. Links may change. For that matter, because the Internet is fluid and full of punks, links may sometimes go somewhere they weren’t supposed to go, and I (the author) can’t help that.
Privacy statement. This is where I tell my readers that I will not put them on spam lists. This is where I tell my readers that I will not sell their contact information to another company. This is where I explain that I am not responsible for the privacy practices of my advertisers (if I ever have any) or blog commenters.
Reserve rights. This is where I tell my readers that I reserve the right to change the focus of my blog at any time, to shut it down, to sell it, or to change the terms of use at your discretion. Hey, it’s my blog and I’ll do what I want to.
Advertisers and sponsors. This is where I explain that I am not responsible for the actions of my advertisers or sponsors or commenters (Again, if I ever have any). If my reader purchases a product or service based upon a link from my blog, said reader must take action with that company alone to resolve the issue, not me.
Letters to the editor. This is where I state my policy on using letters or emails that have been written directly to me. If the letter intrigues me, and if the letter is, in my sole judgement, beneficial to my reader community writ large, then I will only publish the letter with written permission from the author, and will reasonably exclude all personally identifying information. Otherwise, all correspondence with me (the blog author) is confidential. The authors of letters sent to me retain ownership of said material unless otherwise agreed upon in writing.
Wheew! Glad that's over with.
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